Me & Jenny before starting our shared birthday party in my place~ Yes, we are getting one more year, going up one more step to be mature~ (hope...kk). When I was teen, I always admired being 24... I thought I would be real 'grown-up' at the age, which turned up to be far from true. Now, I dream of being 30. Will then I be a 'grown-up'? Well... nobody knows. People usually become a bit blue when they are talking about getting aged. It's a matter of fact that our physical status will be different from past days, however, I don't think that's a thing to morn. I love being aged. Of course, getting aged with 'grace' is important. Accepting our age and behaving according to the given age with generosity seems to be 'a sensible grown-up' to me. If life is enternal and youth is as well, our life wouldn't be anymore beautiful as ours now. Flowers are beautiful and object to admire since it is mortal... The time at this moment is precious for it will be not there anymore if it passes... so... Carpe diem!!!!
Korean & German food at the same time. Couldn't believe Moonju cut the vegetable for "JJOL noodle" that thin! Wow~ JJOL means in some sense 'shrinking & not cutting off easily'. Some people described it as Korean pasta(spaghetti, perhaps), but it is a lot different frome that~ You've known it after eating that, kkk. Needs quite a effort to chew that~
Thank you, Lisa~!!! Thanks to you, I could get rid of at least 6 worries of my life! That's quite a lot!!! Wow~ I am going to be a real happy, worriless EJ!
Thak you, Selin! I will remember you everytime whenever I wear this~ I am longing summer time to wear this with my white tops!!! It will be great alongside blue beach!!! It's a pity that Turkey is quite far from Korea! Still, be sure! I will visit Turkey and see you in near future! (I really should try hard now to become a teacher soon, so that I could afford my trip to you!)
Yup~ I am sure this will be my number1 precious when I go back Korea and fill it with our sparkling, beautiful memories... thanks.
Thanks for everything!!! I am a lucky girl with you guys here!!! :)
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