OH MY~! I WAS REALLY SO MOVED~! Can hardly believe that my one year being older was celebrated and congratulated by so much people!!! And the most important thing is that they are all my beloved friends in Jyvaskla! My days in Jyvaskyla are painted with joy, laughter, and love thanks to my beloved dear friends. They surprised me in the midnight(the point turning to 11/29, at sharp) knocking(belling;;;) on my door!!! And when I opened, there they were! God~ I was truly tooooooo ready in my pajamas with perfect hair, and all the loundary hanging across my room! Really... as I get older, as time passes by, my zeal goes down and my butterflies has been flying away by one by one and it makes me harder to be excited as I used to be in my younger years. Others might say that I looked depressed in some extent for that, however, the very night, when everybody crashed into my place with overflowing love, I felt like I am a 7 or 8 years old girl!!! Thank you!!!
Lost my words with joy...(LOOK! I WAS JUST TOO READY...haha!!!!)
My singing dear roomate~ Being with her, nobody can be depressed!
Moonju & Me in the 2007's last Stammitsch...

ME & Deiana

Doing some martial activities. (Don't beileve!!! You know!!!) Well, I was dancing, but it's so funny that this picture was taken at the moment when I seem to do such YONG KUAN(a typical Chinese fictional, perhaps non-fictional, martial. You can see a picture follwing to check how does it looks like. HAHA).
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