I heard that dark colored flour made from buckwheat have quite various darkness in terms of its extent. I was puzzled to see dark wheat, but now, after looking up what is 'buckwheat' in the net, I was surprised that it's rather familiar ingredient for Koreans, too. Actually, Koreans usually make noodles out of buckwheat. It's color is dark brownish grey and we usually prepare cold noodles with it which goes along with soy-sauce-based soup. Yeah... it sounds it cannot provoke appetite that much, still, it's nice when we try it in the summer. I think the dish is also familiar to Japanese(not sure where the dish originated from..kkk). HOWEVER! The pencake or crepe from Bretagne was honestly soooooooooooooooooo GREAT! I think I will miss it too much and try to make it by my own self some other times. I love how it is chewed in the mouth and gives some crispy sensation with it's thin layers as well as chewy cheese in it! The picture over this is my first pencake filled with egg & cheese. Simply I LOVED it!
This one is light colored pencake which said to go along with sweet filling. I just put some honey on it! I was impressed how thin the pencake was! In Korea, when I think about pencakes, I can only come up to some American pencakes which is real thick to compare to French's and only to be sweet with some grizzy sense... I definitely prefer French pencake! It's tastes more healthy for me(though it may not be that much true...kkk) and gives cozy sense. The thiness of the pencake was the point which I was impressed with! Vivi! You've really worked for it! I know how it is hard to bake thin wheat sheets because there is also some Korean food which uses very very very thin wheat sheets~ (Koreans put 8kinds of fillings for it. It is one kind of cuisine that was only prepared in royal family long time ago. Usually the fillings were beef, carrot, cucumber, eggs in strips: devided to white & yellow, mushrooms... some other vegetables...) We also can use very very thin layers of white radish seasond with sweet veniar instead of thin layers of wheat sheets. Following is the dish I mentioned. It nees much effort to prepare this one... So, I can easily imagine how Vivi struggled in the kitchen standing in front of fire! Thank you Vivi!

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