Well.... I already bought some eye glass cases for both of them, but really wanted to present them something special and typical in Finland... So... I ended up buying two cute cups, afterall. I know it's very boring choice, and not funny... still, well, it would be special when those get to Korea safely! (Hope my family would recieve each of them in one piece!!!! Although I wrapped it with air pumped wrappers I am dreadly worried about them...) This one is for my dear brother, Jung Whan (If you want to call him as the way you guys call me, by the initials, he would be JW...kkk). Actually there is a famous comedian entertainer(He was also once in a popular pop music group...believe or not...) in Korea whose name is identical with him, though he isn't that person for sure!!! In thesedays, my brother is having hard time... searching a right occupation for his aptitude, taste. Cheers! JW! You can make it!

I know that you are wondering why there's a book of Japanese writer here. Yeah... well, I didn't send this one for my family. I even don't have the book! However, it is the book what I read quite recently in Korea and which I thought was nice... Actually I like the writer and he's way of writing. Plots of his novels are really unique and makes our world seem to be strange. He has the power the make the reader feel to be a stranger in the world we are living... I felt like breathing some other world when I was reading his novel, and can totally concnetrate on the novel and forget about complicated and somewhat annoying stuff that bugs me. Haruki also have the ability to make real sensational sentences, and I couln't resist enjoying them. OK. Untill now, it was all flattering my one of favorite writer.
Why? Why? Why did I put this book here?
I will answer in a second. Wait.
Yeah... It is related to Mummin cup I put up there.
I didn't believed it first, but...
Mummin cup appears in the book.
Yes, the character named SAKURA owns one Mummin cup... and here, once again, I can feel that all entities, things are related to one another in this small, small, small, perhaps crapy... world. It's crapy, but I love crapy world.
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