I saw my first movie in the teater in Finland! Yes, as you could imagine withe the picture above, I saw "2days in Paris"!!! I was really pleased that it was my first film in Finland since, the film of Julie Delpy's. "Before Sunrise" is my favorite, favorite, favorite movie~ and I crashed into the way she carried conversation in the film. The way the film pictured the real but really romantic love affairs was truly incredible for me to watch! There are some people who say the film is a sleeping pill, though, for me, it was a realistic LOVE~!!! Of course, afterwards, I also watched "Before Sunset", too. If "Before Sunrise" was a lemon, which gave me fresh and sweet as well as a little bit bitter for its momentariness, "Before Sunset" gives me a sense of tenderness but some sense of lackness which is destined to everyone as time flows... The memory is beautiful thing until we start to deal with it.. Well, However, I saw Julie Delpy's movie today with Vivi~ and it was great! The conversations were all colored with inspirating contents!
The story flows by mainly by two lovers who always tends to be crossing each other and ends up misunderstood. Of course the guy in the movie was TOO American and the girl was also exaggerated in their characters.. They show how those two(American & French...) cultures can be compared. But I am sure that they only show overly stated streotypes to give the audience to laught. The main point is that really different two lovers can still love each other!
Yeah... it was happy ending... It's good for ourselves to watch movies which ends happily, though the reality is a bit different from the film. To tell the truth, if those events happen to be in the real world we live, it cannot end that happy way, usually. But again, I prefer to watch happy films... or elso I might get influenced too much to the depressing mood.
Nevertheless, it was real fun to watch in both French & English with Finnish subtitle for I could totally fit myself into the American boy in the film! I was in the man's shoe during the film and it really helped me out through the running time to be interesting~ hehe.
P.S. It was rather surprising that the parents in the movie, were the real parents of Julie Dalpy's!!! Wow, for that!
P.S. I almost forgot to tell why the title of my diary is the day of Paris... haha~!!! I AM GOING TO PARIS NEXT FEBRUARY!!! I booked my plane tickets, today! From 13/2 to 20/2, 2008, I am in Paris with one of my friends leaving there! I am looking forward visiting Paris, badly!!!
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Yes! You did the good choice...Paris is wonderful, it's the best city in the world..it's a pity you go in this date because I won't be when you¡ll go. But I hope you'll go in my home on day...maybe the next year???
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